What to Do When Your Implant Breaks

Most people never experience an issue with their dental implants, but it's important to know what to do should your implant break. Glendental implants Ridge, NJ, dentist Dr. Paul Dionne of Glen Ridge Dental Arts, also serving the Montclair area, explains the steps you should take if you notice a problem with your dental implant and discusses implant restoration.

What causes broken implants?

Dental implants can break if too much pressure is applied to them before they have fully osseointegrated, or bonded, to your jawbone. Other parts of your new tooth can also break. Wear and tear can cause the abutment, the tiny piece that connects your implant to your crown, to break. If your implant doesn't feel quite right, the problem may also be due to a broken screw in the abutment.

The dental crown that's visible above your gum line must be replaced approximately every 10 to 15 years or longer. If you eat very hard foods, chew on ice or use your teeth to open packages, your crown may not last that long.

How are implants restored?

If the implant itself has broken, the only choice is to remove it and replace it with a new implant. Some people need bone grafts before they can receive a new dental implant. Bone grafts strengthen and deepen your jawbone, ensuring that it will be strong enough to support the implant. If you require a bone graft, you'll have to wait a few months until your implant can be placed in your mouth.

If an abutment or screw breaks, we'll only need to replace those parts of the implant, not the implant itself. When a crown cracks or breaks, we'll take an impression of your mouth in our Glen Ridge office. Impressions are used to create crowns that fit the space in your mouth and look perfectly natural.

How can I avoid broken implants?

If you received same-day implants, it's important not to put too much pressure on the teeth initially. Following the instructions you received after your procedure is very important. Grinding your teeth can stress your implants and your crown. Luckily, the problem can be addressed by wearing a night guard while you sleep.

Dental implants can last the rest of your life with proper care. If you do experience a problem with your implant or need implant restoration, call our Glen Ridge office in New Jersey. The office also provides care for those in the Montclair area.

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